Friday, June 25, 2010

Tiny Dancer

Walkin downtown with my favorite b-girl and well we took some photos. Check Lilly out she is amazingly talented.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Bodega Bay

So I have been slacking on the blog posts. I have no time! But, here is what a day at the beach will get you. I got to shoot some fun photos (these are the outtakes). Damn, sun was not cooperating and I brought nothing for camera gear. I hope you enjoy. I am building a website soon enough.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sonora Bouldering Guide

For over 3 years the residents of Columbia, Ca have been working diligently to clean, send, and document some of the most amazing bouldering California has to offer. The rock is a tacky limestone with a beautiful setting (however, watch out for poison oak). The first edition of their guide book just came out and I contributed some shots for the guide book, and one of my favorite shots made the back cover! Super Psyched! Check out this book and contact Dean and Dan for a copy of the guide book.
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